Until March 31st, a call is open to co-finance the organization of a European Festival of Journalism and Media Freedom. It has a total budget of three million euros. The aim is to strengthen dialogue, cooperation and partnership between journalists, media outlets, civil society organizations and media professionals, SMEs in the sector, focusing on crucial issues such as European legislation on media freedom, disinformation, the safety of journalists or the economic challenges that the information sector faces. The Festival will also contribute to raising public awareness of the work of journalists and the threats to press freedom in the European Union. The call co-finances the realization of three annual editions of the Festival and the creation and management of a European platform for contributions and to stimulate food for thought and discussion on the Values of press freedom. Legal entities with registered offices in one of the Member States of the European Union, including the PTOMs, private or public professional organizations and associations, SMEs, publishing houses, international organizations, universities, educational institutions, research centers can participate in the call. Each project must be submitted by a consortium consisting of at least three entities from three different eligible States. The selected project may be financed up to ninety percent of the total eligible costs of the call.
Link to the EU call: